Hardwood Charcoal



Hardwood Charcoal

It lights more quickly, so you can get your food on the grill faster. It burns hotter, so you can get a deeper sear on your two-inch ribeye. And it produces less ash, so you don’t have as much gunk settling at the bottom of your grill.Charcoal is made by burning wood in the absence of oxygen. Lump charcoal is the product of the process in its purest form—pieces of wood burned down to be chunks of charcoal. … Unlike the pure lump charcoal, briquettes are manufactured wood by-products compressed with additives that help them light and burn consistently.

Good charcoal is mostly pure carbon, called char, made by cooking wood in a low oxygen environment, a process that can take days and burns off volatile compounds such as water, methane, hydrogen, and tar.


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