Wood Charcoal



Wood charcoal is porous and can adsorb liquids and gases on its porous surface. Therefore, it is used in water filters, gas masks and antigastric tablets, capsule or powder for people suffering from indigestion. Wood charcoal is also used as a decolourizing agent as it can adsorb colouring matter. When compared to charcoal, cooking wood offers a better flavor. … However, most people will agree that grilled food tastes better when cooking wood is used as the fuel rather than briquette or lump charcoal. As the cooking wood burns, it will release flavorful smoke that’s absorbed by your food.Common charcoal is made from peat, coal, wood, coconut shell, or petroleum. Sugar charcoal is obtained from the carbonization of sugar and is particularly pure. … Lump charcoal is a traditional charcoal made directly from hardwood material. It usually produces far less ash than briquettes.


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